Up with the birds

It’s the first day of the school holidays. No getting up early and getting the kids ready for school. No feeling sorry for 1st K while he gets done for school and leave home by 06:05 in the morning like grownup commuting to work. Hoping and praying that he (and fellow students) gets to school on time and most importantly safe. No arguments with the girls for a few days either and rushing them along.

Two weeks ago I read a blog titled ’50 things that makes me happy’ and I started compiling my own list. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t have thirty yet but I’m getting there. Not having my alarm wake me up in the morning is number 2 on my list. There is no better way to wake up than not having Taylor Swift telling me to “Shake it Off”. I’m not a Taylor Swift fan but that particular song just grew on me and gives me an energy boost like no other song has in a long time. It’s also on my workout playlist.

I deactivated my alarm before going to bed last night but as Murphy would have it, I woke up at 04:45. My inner clock definitely didn’t get the memo but hey I’m feeling alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic. Also feeling a bit lost because I’ve got no routine for the next few days. Did I mention that I simply cannot go without planning and having routines in my life? Without it I’m lost.

As I willed myself to go back to sleep earlier and wake again at a more decent time, I knew that it would be high impossible. Instead I’m drafting emails (so it’s ready to send at a more decent hour) and doing some planning and contingency planning because if at first I don’t succeed, I need to know what my next course of action will be. I’ve often heard people say that this is the best time of day to be productive and so far so good this morning. The next few days are going to be just awesome. You won’t believe how much you can accomplish at this hour. My vote definitely goes to working in pj’s early in the morning.

I haven’t heard the “Mom I’m bored” spiel in a while so it’s best I use this time to think of some activities to keep K3 busy for the next few days too. Fortunately the weather is still good so they’ll probably spend most of their time playing outdoors but you never know with kids.

Now to see if my coffee cup is half full or half empty.

At what time are you more productive? Is it early morning or late at night?

11 thoughts on “Up with the birds

  1. Well enjoy your less hectic mornings while the kids are on holiday! I’m most productive in the early mornings. By 2 PM my brain basically shuts down, so the earlier I get started, the better 🙂


    • Thanks for your input Mischa. It just confirms that it pays to get an early start. I’ve been working at night mostly when it’s quieter but it does not compare to a fresh start early in the morning. May just have to set my alarm for an hour earlier each day when the kids go back to school and eliminate working at night. I’m still amazed at what I accomplished this morning alone.

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  2. I’m more productive late at night but tend to get up early and jump out of bed without even a drop of coffee, which annoys my husband endlessly because he is so not a morning person and tends to be seriously grumpy until he consumed his first cup!


    • The hubster is not a morning person either and he was seriously annoyed that I was typing away even before he had to get up for work. Burning the midnight oil after the family is settled for the nigh has been my MO since forever and it worked like a charm. This is but my first try this morning so I’ll have to see which works better. I’m hoping the mornings do because I find it difficult to switch off at night after I’ve finished whichever task resulting in bad sleeping habits.


  3. My cursed inner alarm clock has the propensity to wake me up 15 – 20 minutes before the actual alarm clock. It kills me.
    That gratitude list – keep working at it. It’s an exercise in positivity.

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    • It would be awesome if mine inner alarm would do that more often. I hate, hate, hate my alarm!
      My gratitude list – I’m actually shocked that I couldn’t write 50 things off the cuff given my personality. Anyhoo, I’ve added quite a few today and may just have it done in a few days.


  4. LOL, i’m also not a Taylor Swift fan, but I love that song. I wake up at sparrows fart, but only function properly from 7am. Am also really looking forward to the gratitude list. May have to start working on my own.

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